Thursday, January 14, 2010

There but for the grace of whoever or whatever or however…

thoughts about the role of artists in times of immense challenge

It is a time like this one
when planetary plates shift violently, with no warning
or when oceans rise up with overwhelming waves
or when hurricanes and typhoons fiercely sweep across the lands

It is when our natural world reminds us
of our insignificance
of the miracle of our existence
our daily pettiness
seems particularly idiotic
our greed for material things and need for control over others
seems breathtakingly self-destructive

if all the energy
if all the resources
we use to fight each other
   believing that such battle will lead to
   well-deserved and justified survival
were instead entirely available
for celebrating the gift of our lives
as well as
for healing and recreating communities
   uprooted by events entirely beyond our mortal control

Bless the responders
the brave ones
who defy the aftershocks and other dangers
the selfless ones
who offer aid with the fullness of their hearts
   and the best of their talents

with each passing day
the immediacy of the horror drifts away
for those not directly affected by location or loved ones
we return to our life of routine
led by people who govern or otherwise direct our lives by fear

As artists, what can we do
what is our role

As artists, we are sensitive and keen observers
we know
how to witness
how to observe events in context of a bigger picture

As artists, we are creators
we take what we see
through our art
we can help craft a perspective for being in the world
informed not by fear but
informed by the commonality of our hearts

we can help craft a way of being in the world
that does not include battling against each other
that does enable us to celebrate the gift of our lives
that does enable us to continue in the face of inevitable natural challenges

it is through our art
that we present
and celebrate
our potential
our possibilities
our gratefulness

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